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Parental Involvement: How to Stay Engaged with Your Child’s Education

How to Stay Engaged with Your Child’s Education.

As educators at Oorla Tutors, we’ve observed first-hand the significant impact of parental involvement on a child’s educational journey. Active engagement from parents isn’t just beneficial; it’s essential for academic growth and success. Here’s how you can stay involved and why it matters.

Understanding the Impact of Parental Involvement:

Studies have consistently shown that when parents are involved in their children’s education, students have higher achievement scores, better attendance, and an increased likelihood of continuing higher education (Hill & Tyson, 2009). But what does effective parental involvement look like?

1. Open Communication with Educators:

Establish open communication with your child’s teachers and tutors. Attend parent-teacher meetings, ask for regular updates, and proactively address academic concerns.

2. Creating a Homework-Friendly Home:

Create a designated space at home for study and homework. This area should be quiet, organised, and free from distractions, signalling to your child that education is a priority.

3. Encouraging Reading and Learning at Home:

Foster a learning-rich environment by encouraging reading and providing educational resources. Discuss books and current events and encourage curiosity.

4. Setting Educational Goals Together:

Work with your child to set realistic and achievable academic goals. This practice teaches planning and responsibility, giving the child ownership of their educational journey.

5. Monitoring Academic Progress:

Keep track of your child’s academic progress through report cards, assignments, and standardised test scores. Use this information to celebrate achievements and identify areas needing additional support.

6. Participating in School Events:

Being physically present at school events shows your child that you value their education. Attend school plays, sports events, and awards ceremonies whenever possible.

7. Encouraging Independence and Problem-Solving:

While it’s essential to be involved, it’s equally crucial to encourage your child to become independent. Teach them problem-solving skills so they can handle challenges on their own.

8. Advocating for Your Child:

Advocate for your child’s needs, whether for advanced classes, special education services, or extracurricular activities. Understand their educational rights and collaborate with the school to meet them.

9. Using Technology to Enhance Learning:

Embrace educational technology, such as learning apps and online resources, to supplement your child’s education. Oorla Tutors provides a suite of digital resources to support learning outside the classroom.

10. Modelling Lifelong Learning:

Children imitate what they see. Show them that learning isn’t just for kids by pursuing your interests, whether taking a course, learning a new skill, or simply reading for pleasure.


Parental involvement doesn’t require a degree in education; it requires time, effort, and genuine interest in your child’s academic life. By staying engaged, you’ll help your child succeed academically and instill in them the value of education that lasts a lifetime.


Hill, N. E., & Tyson, D. F. (2009). Parental involvement in middle school: a meta-analytic assessment of the strategies that promote achievement. Developmental Psychology, 45(3), 740-763.

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